Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

Babystepping :: 2006-08-07


You would have thought that, by now, I would have gotten somewhere wight-wise.

However, I have not.

This both suprises me and seems typical all at the same time.

I am making changes though. Most of them quite recent. I have found the book Only Fat People Skip Breakfast.

The first book is much more helpful than the second. Especially since I am a prime candidate for "baby stepping" my way through anything. I will, and have, just gotten overwhelmed when I try to do everything at once.

My goal right now is to change my way of thinking. Instead of looking at myself nad becoming horribly depressed and focusing in on the ickyness that I perceive, I will change to finding something GOOD to say to myself about myself. Sounds silly perhaps, but I think that it is a good step that will really help me.

I want to be able to walk around the house with my head held high, rather than looking down to avoid seeing my reflection in mirrors or even the windows.

I want to wake up and look forward to my day and know that I am living a healthful, active life that will be an inspiration to my children.

I want to splurge every now and then and have a treat without it leading to a night-long binge.

That last one might take me longer than the others, but I'll get there.

I will be healthy and fit and happy with myself.

I am looking forward to it.

:: 4:45 p.m. :: ::
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