Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

Sleeping In :: 2005-08-25

The past two days I have slept in until quite late. Yesterday was 4:30 pm and I beat it by an hour and went until 5:30 pm.

This is not good as I had loads of things on my "to do" list for the day and it means that I missed my tae kwon do class that I was planning to attend. I can always go tomorrow, but Tuesday & Thursday are advanced class nights and I really have to get going to them if I actually want to advance to my next belt and beyond.

My eating has been going well. My little cheat today was eating hasbrown patties (3) this morning before falling asleep. I took the quickest option for food and then ate another one while cooking for my kids and babysitter. I know this wasn't good, and I didn't even really want it to eat, but I ate it anyhow. I am such a silly girl.

The measurements from yesterday are down only a touch from the last time I took my measurements (2 weeks ago) and while that is nice, I would like to see more results.

I am not going to whine and complain though as I know why I am not seeing as much in the way of results as I would like to. My eating isn't perfect and I haven't been working out at all. So to see any change is good at this point.

:: 6:37 p.m. :: ::
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