Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

Peanut M&Ms are da bomb! :: 2005-08-22

So I ate well at work last night. My only indiscretion was a small bag of peanut M&M's. This obcviously wasn't planned, but you know, I felt bad not eating them since they were given to me (by a boy who seems to like me, but I don't like him. Anyway ... ) other than that I am doing fantastic. I had ONE coffee and almost 4L of water while working. I had to get up every 20 minutes and take the long trek to the potty room, but I managed to suck it back.

Now, my workout. *sigh* I don't know what to do. I am bloody fucking tired right now. I feel the start of a pounding headache coming on and my back aches like crazy. I am thinking that I'll so some stretches for my back and then, when I wake up, go for a bike ride or a walk with my darling children. Hopefully I'll manage to get in a proper LBW as well. Or at least bits every now and then during the hours that I am awake.

Wish me luck!

:: 7:30 a.m. :: ::
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