Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

Mmmm ... french fried goodness. :: 2005-07-28

I am sitting here wondering why I just shouldn't have a plate of french fries tonight. Nevermind that I had some tonight and that, since I've gotten back from my trip, I've eaten like crap. That doesn't count. Just right now. I really *REALLY* want some french fries and ketchup. Poutine would be best but I've got neither the cheese or the gravy to make that. Mmmm... It's a good thing that I live in a crap town with NO fast food places or I'd likely be out binging as the kids aren't home tonight.

OR ... since it's still light out and I haven't done any working out at all, I could go for a walk/jog and actually up my heartrate a bit today seeing as I've done nothing all damn day. *sigh* Decisions, oh what ever am I going to do?

I know that I have nothing really to do online and that I've loads to do around the house so I should at least get to that. But those fries. I want them so badly it's almost scary.

I think that I may have made my decision. I may have to act like a real grown up here *shudders* and not go for the instant gratification.

A walk. A proper meal (planned is a double protein shake). And if I still really want them then, well, I can have them. But only if I do the other two things first. I think that's reasonable, eh?

And I have to do my dishes before I go to bed tonight. As much as I may try to think otherwise, I know the shiny sink the AM will be a nice way to wake up.

Then I'm vegging out to the ultra hot Lara Croft movies tonight.

Yay me.

:: 8:58 p.m. :: ::
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