Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

My Quest to Perfection :: 2005-05-23

I hereby solemly swear that for the next 6 days (May 23-28) I will follow BFL perfectly. Perfectly meanining that I will eat ONLY the foods that I, in advance, planned to eat as well as do the exercise that I lay out for myself each day and a few other things.

I NEED to do this for the following reasons:

- to show myself exactly what I am capable of
- I have only 8 weeks left until a rather important event and I'd like to look better than I do now
- I feel more energetic and happy when I am eating properly and exercising
- because I'm just so damn awesome I should look it too.

My goals that I WILL reach in order to consider each day "perfect"

- drink at least 3L water per day
- eat only foods that I plan to eat and that follow BFL guidelines
- exercise daily according to plan
- plan my meals at least a day in advance
- plan my workouts at least a day in advance
- keep myself accountable in my online diary each day

I need to do well for me. I deserve to give myself the best.

:: 11:33 a.m. :: ::
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