Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

LBW :: 2005-10-05

Oh my.


Today I've managed to actually do my workout. It is lower body day. I didn't get it done when I planned to, but I got it done nonetheless.

I can barely walk.

Seriously, I look like an old lady hobbling around.


My alarm went off during my workout (I work midnight and sleep during the day normally) and I went to go run up the stairs. Boy, was that the wrong thing to do! LoL I ended up having to use my hands to get me up the stairs. I made it, and back down to boot, but it was tough going.

I feel good about today and I am glad. Each good day is one step closer to feeling better about myself overall.

:: 1:40 p.m. :: ::
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