Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

This week's goals :: 2005-09-25

So, for the last couple of days last week I wasn't able to post my daily menu. However, I wrote everything down in my journal, even the four grapes that I had on Thursday afternoon. So I'm pleased with that. I didn't do my weights and measurements this past week (I like to do it weekly) it just completely didn't occur to me. Weird. And I'm not doing it today because yesterday was my free day. So I'll get back to that on Wednesday.

I have a few goals, instead of just one, for the upcoming week. I like to do mine on Sunday since that is when my work week starts. I've printed off a little chart for myself with space to stick a gold star sticker on for each day of the week that I complete them. LoL if it works for the kids, it should work for me! Anyway, my goals for this week are:

Eat clean
Drink water (3 L min)
Exercise (being active with my kids if I'm not able to work out BFL style)
Shine sink
Daily zone work

The last two you will find familiar if you are a member of the FlyLady site.

I deserve to accomplish the goals that I set for myself.

:: 2:23 p.m. :: ::
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