Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

I totally lied last time ... but I'm back now :: 2005-06-08

Yay for me. I'm down to 200 lbs in scale weight. Motherfucker though I did measurements today and there was no change from last week. That just isn't fair.

All I want to do is fit into my capris from the same time last year. That way I will have some more clothes to wear this summer when I spend my almost week in Toronto.

Of course I think that I would have to actually get up off of my (amply padded) bum and be active rather than sitting in front of the computer in order to lose the inches that I need to.

For awhile I was doing awesome sticking to my exercise videos and eating plan and tae kwon do classes, but then it kind of went downhill. I've been out job searching and not prepareing myself properly wby packing food and stuff and then I get home at the end of the day totally ravenous. Or just really thirsty. I have something against my town water and will refuse to drink water if I haven't got bottled or at least filtered.

Yeah, I'm kind of spoiled like that.

And now I am off to clean (I'll have to make it super peppy for maximum calorie burning effects) and, perhaps, *gasp* go for a walk ... or something

:: 10:08 a.m. :: ::
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