Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

So Tuesday wasn't perfect, sue me. :: 2005-05-25

So my Tuesday wasn't quite perfect. I grabbed a weiner (not that kind) and ate it without really thinking about. Ok, I did think about it. But I was hungry and too much in a rush (to do cardio in my livingroom to a DVD. Go figure) to make the cottage cheese and yogurt mix that I had planned to.

I made fried shrimp for my s for supper, ther was no need to worry there, I am not about to go off plan just to eat shrimp. Yuck. I am not a big fan of the little buggers (this is something that my asianEX's mother just HATED). But I did cave when I had some french fries. I had about a medium sized potato's worth of french fries all together. They were soooo good. I blame PMS. It *always* seems that I can't quite handle my cravings during PMS season. They totally take over my entire being and get the best of me. BUT I am quite proud to admit that after those fries, I had nothing else off plan. Normally that would throw me into a complete tailspin and I would binge like crazy. This is a HUGE step for me. Especially since I didn't have to fight off the feelings of binging, I just didn't want to at all.

Yay me!

YES- drink at least 3L water per day
Sort of .. ok NO- eat only foods that I plan to eat and that follow BFL guidelines
YES- exercise daily according to plan
YES- plan my meals at least a day in advance
YES- plan my workouts at least a day in advance
NO- keep myself accountable in my online diary each day

:: 11:14 a.m. :: ::
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