Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

C 2 - Day 13 - Tae Kwon Do Hell :: 2005-04-23

So in what amounts to yesterday I have eaten so very little in calories and I have worked off so many in activity. It's midnight and where I thought that I could eat something when I got home I realized that I was very wrong. I'm not hungry whatsoever. On the plus side I did drink 4.5 litres of water today which is 1.5 above my goal. A little yay to me.

Today's tae kwon do classes were killer. This was partially due to the fact that I was pushing myself harder since I actually had the energy to do so. I'm quite proud on days like these. I remember back to when I'd be flying high on coffee and have eaten only one meal that day and trying to get through one hour of class. I'd be all super energetic at the beginning and that would wear off after about 15 minutes of the warm ups. I was then screwed for the rest of class.

I feel good when I am feeding my body good. You'd think that this would be enough to just keep me on track, but it hasn't been. Or before recently it hasn't been. I haven't had a lot of cravings or desire to eat really crappy. Every now and then I'll through on some cheese to my egg whites and it'll be such a treat that I feel spoiled for the rest of the day.

I can barely stay awake here now so it's off to bed for me right after I hold myself accountable for what I've eaten today. It is far from perfect but could have been way worse. For example, the nutrition bar was had when I could have so much easier just gone and got fast food. However, I skipped Subway and went to the nutrition store next door and picked something up. Good thing I did, I ended up getting a free sample of some new protein powder. Hopefully I like orange creamsicle.


Today's Nutrition

Meal One - 9:00 am
-1/2 C cottage cheese with 1/2 apple sliced, packet of Sugar Twin
-green tea

Meal Two - 1:00 pm
-can tuna w 1 tbl light Miracle Whip
-7 multi-grain melba toasts
-1 med. raw green pepper

Meal Three - 5:00 pm
- plain can tuna

Meal Four - 7:00 pm
Triple Delicious (and it is!) protein bar

And that's it... oh no, I had two chicken McNuggets when I bought some for the kids. But ONLY two. I'll have to add that into fitday now.

Calories Eaten Today
source grams� cals %total
Total: 873�
Fat: 21� 192� 23%
��Sat: 7� 64� 8%
��Poly: 1� 11� 1%
��Mono: 1� 5� 1%
Carbs: 84� 303� 36%
��Fiber: 8� 0� 0%
Protein: 87� 348� 41%
Alcohol: 0� 0� 0%

:: 12:03 a.m. :: ::
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