Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

C2 - Day 12 :: 2005-04-21

So things were going fantastically well today. Until I chose dinner as a free meal. Ok, technically nothing is wrong really. I didn't even eat that much (not even until I was stuffed full. I'm quite proud) but I'm thinking that will be my only free meal this week. I want a full six days of clean eating before I treat myself to a free meal again. I guess it's not so bad since it's not an entire day, but still, I don't want to get into the habit.

Today is cardio + abs but so far all I've done is a brisk 20 minute walk with my aunt while the girls were riding bikes.

I've got to plan out the rest of my workouts. I know what I am going to do for my upper body workout tomorrow, but I want it written down. I'm also cycling with targeting different areas. For example, I've got two more week left where I am going to work more on the shoulders. Then back. Then chest. Biceps then triceps. Not necessarily in that order.

I don't know what I'm going to do for my LBWs yet. Many of the exercises kill on my knees and calf raises hurt my ankles like crazy (I'm prone to sprains - I blame TKD). I do work out my legs pretty damn good with the tae kwon do that I do. TKD focuses pretty much all on your lower body, or at least my classes do, do I get killer workouts then.

I so need help.

Today's Nutrition

Meal One - 8:00 am
1 whole egg
1/2C egg whites
1 C grapefruit juice

Meal Two - 11:00 am
1/2 C 1% cottage cheese
serving fat free yogurt

Meal Three - 1:00 pm
Weider Pro bar (I nearly went fast food then just picked up one of these babies at Wal-Mart. yay me!)

Meal Four - 5:30 pm
1/2 C pasta
can tuna
1 tbl light miracle whip

and this is where the "free meal" came in ... the pasta was soooo yummy, I had to have more. With sauce. And parmesan cheese. So I did. Then I had a couple of spoonfuls of dessert (cool whip, cherry pie filling, pineapple all mixed together).

medium double-double coffee
water = 3+ L

Kudos to me. Decided to really blow it all to hell. Just totally. Finished off that dessert (about 1/2 C), had one of the kid's chocolate covered granola bars and made some breakfast sausage. I kind of figured since I wouldn't be having my big breakfast this Sunday that I might as well have the sausage while I can. I mean, that's all that I was looking forward to really, besides loads of whole scrambled eggs and toast.

I feel so bloated not. Yuck-o. This will make it loads of fun for class tomorrow. I saw something else really gross too. Even worse than the back fat rolls. It's the grandma jiggle that I've got going on where my triceps should bloody well be. I'm wearing a stretch t-shirt that looked really hot on me last year and only encases me like a fucking sausage this year. And, much like a sausage, my body splurges out of the casing any way that it can manage to escape. *sigh* and here I was actually feeling good today.

:: 7:39 p.m. :: ::
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