Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

Cowardly comment response :: 2005-10-09

I got this comment from my last post.

Besides the person being too cowardly to actually leave contact info I love how they decided to automatically judge me and ASSUME that they know what my fitness goals are.

I have no desire to look like the girl on TV or the cover of magazines, unless the girl is Maggie Diubaldo or perhaps Monica Brant.

Yet this person, somehow, assumes that I want to be a skinny chick. That's funny (funny odd not funny ha ha).

Then there was the bit about Nicole Richie and Lindsey Lohan. Both of whom I don't think are attractive at all.

I doubt that this person would bother to come back to read or, if they did, actually leave their information if they decide to leave judgemental comments once again. It would be nice though if they did. I am interested in finding out just what made this person come to their "brutally honest" conculsion.

Really, I'd like to know how I am supposed to be happy with my weight as I can't fit into clothes that I only bought last year. Or even shop at the same places that I used to. Or being happy with the fact that going up a flight of stairs winds me. Or that, somehow, I should be overjoyed with not having enough energy to play with my children. Or that I am 24 years old with varicose veins suddenly. Or that, based on my 40 + % body fat I am actually obese.

Yes, I gues I should be grateful and thankful for all of those things.

:: 1:57 p.m. :: ::
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