Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

Where am I going? :: 2005-10-03

I am amazed at how I can flop back and forth from being totally motivated and energized and ready to conquor the world to being just totally blah and feeling like I'll never accomplish even my simplest goal.

I've realized though that I haven't really got any concrete idea of what I want to do and where I want to be in the future, so that doesn't help. Coupled with the crap job and even crappier hours factor, well, doesn't make for a very satisfied young woman here.

I am working on a long and short term goals list though, which should help. This will be goals for many things, not just fitness. I will post it here when I am through. It has become a little tougher to do than I thought that it would be. I think this is because I have no idea what I want to do with my life career wise.

That is a HUGE thing that hangs over my head each day that I wake up. What am I going to do?

Being only 24 years old this shouldn't be overly stressful, after all, I have my entire life ahead of me. But I am a parent, a single parent with two lovely seven year old girls to take care of, so this makes it a little different. It is not only my life that I am affecting when I lose motivation, it is the lives of two other people. Ultimately, what ever I do, will shape them to be the people that they will become. That's a great deal of responsibility and I am not complaining about it one bit. It just makes it harder to focus sometimes (shouldn't it make it easier??).

So, my first step will to be to write down my goals. Until then I will keep up with feeding myself healthy and nutritious foods to keep my energy up and to be the best parent that I can be.

:: 3:28 p.m. :: ::
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