Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

The little engine that could :: 2005-09-10

I think I can. I think I can.


I am excited because I've got some motivation again. Well, not exactly that, but it's nice when you realize that you can finally do something and losing weight, being fit and healthy, is something that I can do. There is nothing stopping me really.

I am going to try a few things to fit my workout into my schedule. I am working midnights and have been finding it rather difficult since it seems so much tiring (to me) than working during the day is.

I think I can do it too. Yay! Actually, I kind of *have* to if I want to meet other goals that I have for the rather near future as well.

On that I have to go and bake about a billion cupcakes for my girl's birthday party this afternoon. Should be fun.


I have no idea why my links are on the wrong side of the page. My archives seem to be fine. Oh well, I'll figure it out sometime.

:: 8:13 a.m. :: ::
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