Stumbling Along Toward Fit
"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." - Henry Ford

C2 - Day 10 :: 2005-04-19

Last night more food gets to be put into my entry, but I'm too lazy to go edit that particular entry. Especially since I'm already here. Someone called and woke me up at 12:30 am and I was so hungry I was shaking (I didn't go to bed hungry) and I ate the ground beef taco mix that I made for tonight's supper. Now I'll have to think of something else to cook.

I didn't get in my upper body workout either. I'm not sure how this happened. I didn't have the opportunity in the morning and I was dead tired by like 9:00 pm so I didn't do it then either.

Ugh. And somehow I'm thinking that I'll loose weight this way?

Today I'm hoping to be a better day. I feel so tired though. I always feel tired but this is a little more intense than usual.

I've managed to get in breakfast before noon, which is good as well. My cardio today will consist of walk/jog/sprint neighbourhood (small town) blocks. It's hard to count minut-by-minute off of a gym cardio machine, so I'll just keep cycling this for 20 minutes. I know I can reach a "10" this was, I have done it in the past. It's just getting out there and starting that is the issue really.

Today's Nutrition

Meal One - 8:20 am
1/2 C scrambled egg whites
1 piece white toast
1 cup green tea

Meal Two - 11:00 am
can tuna w/ 1 tbl Light Miracle Whip
7 mulit-grain melba pieces
1 C baby carrots

Meal Three - 3:00 pm
serving regular yogurt
1/2 C 1% cottage cheese

cheese string

Meal Four - 6:00 pm
2.5 oz salmon fillet
baked sweet potato
1 C mixed veggies


Meal Five - 11:00 pm
cottage cheese/jello/fruit mix

1 large double-double coffee
water = 3.5 L

Calories Eaten Today
source grams  cals %total
Total:   1189   
Fat: 22  197  17%
  Sat: 30  3%
  Poly: 36  3%
  Mono: 32  3%
Carbs: 158  560  49%
  Fiber: 18  0%
Protein: 97  386  34%
Alcohol: 0%

:: 8:23 a.m. :: ::
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